
Why Blog?

What is the benifit of BLOG for a business??

As we are concentrating on making blogs, I decided to do some research as to the benifits of a company writing blogs for their Products: I was bombarded with search results when I Queried "why blog?" on Google.

Blogging seems to be a new way for companies to show off their porduct knowledge and buils stronger relationships with both customers and potential customers.

  • Therefore, a company can become the leading expert on their product and position themselves as the market leader.
  • A blog objective is not to sell, but rather to give information on products and build up personal relationships with customers
  • Create Media attention, maybe the Media will actually turn to your site for advice
  • Use Blogs as workspaces, so that project workers can check updated information easily, instead of having to view email (ie-Virtualia Workspace)
  • Generate ideas and test idea's, an informal, cheap way to generate feedback on new idea's for your company and you will be assured honest answers
  • Rank High with Search Engines- As discussed in the SEO topic, in E-Business 1, a frequently updated site, that has many links and is viewed, is rewarded high with Google Search.


So where does BLOG come from?

The phrase was used first in 1999 and is today defined as a "diary; a personal chronological log of thoughts published on a Web page" . They are updated regualry and allow the author to discuss anything.

So before you Blog, you need to consider why you do it, we obviously do it because it is part of our course, but it has become part of internet life and is an easy way to get your views and opinions across to a very very wide audience!


In addition.. have you been wondering where you can search for Blog Topics? Google have a GOOGLE BLOG Search engine, you can search for any topics you might be interested in.

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