
another link i found with some interesting things


Web 2.0

Web 2.0. is a phrase established by O'Reilly Media, (Formerly O'Reilly Associates) an American Media company. This term refers to a medium of Second Generation Web Based Services such as Social Networking Sites, Blogs, Wikis (Wikipedia) and "folksonomies" that emphasise online sharing amongst users, such as downloading and peer to peer networks.

The term Web 2.0 does not represent an update of the World Wide Web, it is mainly a phrase to coin the different ways Web Standards are utilised.

According to Tim O'Reilly "Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the Internet as platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform." - Web 2.o - Wikipedia

However, it has been argued as to the relevance of the phrase 2.0, as critics say that many of these standards have been available for many years now. One of these Critics is Tim Berners Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web that cites that this phrase is not a new revolution and that the term is not meaningful. - Wikipedia Web 2.0


WEB 2.0 - ((The power of Wikipedia, Youtube, Blogs))

What was predicted for E-Business??

It is interesting to look at reports from years ago, when E-Business was cited as the next big thing and its capabilities for users were endless...
This article was composed in 1999.. citing the "future of E-Busienss"...
1.E-Business will become a critical competitive strategy that will revolutionize
the global economy.
2. Companies will learn to manage customers’ relationships by virtually serving
their needs - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
3. E-business that enables customers to personalize and customize products
or services will flourish.
4. Using the Net to find new customers and to better target customer
preferences will be a standard practice.
5. Producing, marketing, and distributing products or services online will be a
cost-effective strategy for business.
6. Learning to develop and serve online communities with niche interests will be
essential to building customer loyalty.
7. E-business models that provide greater choice for customers will change the
traditional economics of supply and demand.
8. Ready access to the Net from multiple gateways—cable TV, satellite,
wireless telephones, and other devices—will greatly expand e-business
9. Highly efficient e-business virtual supply chains will intimately link
manufacturers and producers directly to customers.


We are now experiencing the future of the 'E-Business World', everything we do is online and we have become a knowledge based, online culture.
Businesses today cannot afford to ignore the capabilities of E-Business, it is a business opportunity rather than a technical issue.
E-Business is not just a web-site, it is not just advertising and selling over the Internet. E-Business helps companies use it is a value added tool for business, either in the form of profits or relationships with stakeholders / customers.

Therefore, a company cannot afford to ignore the capabilities of E-Business in this day and age, and their ignorance may cause them their business in the future.


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